Theme: "Towards a better
Size: 4” x 6” postcard .
Technique: painting, drawing, digital art, collage,
mixed technique, photography, etc.
Include on the back: title,
author, mailing address, e-mail, web page
Dealine : October 31, 2014
(postmark deadline)
Send by post to:
“Towards a better world” :
Arte Correo C.C.Nº 25
( B 1872 ZAA) Sarandí
Buenos Aires
Send without an envelope.
No jury, no return, no
Only original works.
Offensive works will not be
The works will publish in
the blog:
All the works will be
exhibited in “Del Riachuelo, Espacio de
Arte”, La Boca, Caminito, Buenos Aires,
Argentina in december 2014 and january 2015.